Recensioni Clienti

Valutazione media

44 recensioni
Valutazione: 2/5 Tradurre

"la chauffe est trop légère."

Recensito martedì 17 gennaio 2017

Valutazione: 2/5 Tradurre

"Die Handschuhe sind schon ok, aber: Die Heizleistung - speziell an den Fingern - ist zu schwach. Besser wäre mehr Heizleistung, auch wenn die Heizdauer dadurch verkürzt wird. Für meine wirklich nicht großen Hände ist die mittlere Größe arg eng, besser gleich große Version bestellen."

Recensito giovedì 10 marzo 2016

Valutazione: 2/5

"Ho acquistato un primo paio di guanti e non scaldavano, ho chiamato il servizio clienti e mi è stato inviato un nuovo paio di guanti anche loro non funzionanti. "

Recensito lunedì 16 marzo 2015

Valutazione: 2/5

"arrivati in tempo però non funzianano"

Recensito lunedì 16 febbraio 2015

Valutazione: 2/5 Tradurre

"These were very disappointing. Having gone to some considerable trouble to find the recommended batteries, when my husband used the gloves there was no descernable difference between the gloves when on than when they were off. He tested them alternately, one on, the other off, then the other way round. He also tested the individual gloves to see if they were drawing a current using his multimeter, which they were. My husband suffers from Raynaud's Syndrome and therefore often has very cold hands; I had hoped that the gloves might help his condition but this, unfortunately, seems unlikely, although as gloves they seem quite warm and he is very impressed with the grippy palms but the iPhone "finger" is not very good."

Recensito mercoledì 7 gennaio 2015

Valutazione: 2/5 Tradurre

"Can hardly feel the heat? Disappointed"

Recensito mercoledì 6 novembre 2013