Recensioni Clienti

Valutazione media

94 recensioni
Valutazione: 1/5 Tradurre

"ziet er leuk uit maar de ratten zijn niet van plan om erin te gaan :("

Recensito venerdì 12 dicembre 2014

Valutazione: 1/5 Tradurre

"As been baited for three weeks, although there are rats present, they have not deemed to use the trap."

Recensito mercoledì 12 novembre 2014

Valutazione: 1/5 Tradurre

"I have tried sausages, steak, cheese and nuts and nothing will entice the rats into this traps. It has been in place for over 2 weeks and I still see them running around. Pest control it is then. This product is a waste of money in my opinion."

Recensito lunedì 1 settembre 2014

Valutazione: 1/5 Tradurre

"Having had rat trap down for over a week no rats caught & we have seen 3 at one time in garden. Very disappointed"

Recensito venerdì 27 giugno 2014

Valutazione: 1/5 Tradurre

"The rat avoids it even when I put in really tasty food: peanut butter, chocolate, grains, bread"

Recensito mercoledì 22 gennaio 2014

Valutazione: 1/5 Tradurre

"We used the trap for a week or so without catching anything, Since then we have bought 2 of the simpler ones and have caught 7 rats in less than 48 hours. Could we return the multi-catch and buy 2 more of the other sort perhaps!"

Recensito giovedì 28 febbraio 2013

Valutazione: 1/5 Tradurre

"aun no lo he recibido"

Recensito lunedì 24 dicembre 2012