Recensioni Clienti

Valutazione media

28 recensioni
Valutazione: 2/5 Tradurre

"is geen perfecte weergave kleur. Ik had dit artikel niet zo zwart verwacht. Past niet echt met de rest van hetgeen ik heb."

Recensito domenica 25 marzo 2018

Valutazione: 2/5 Tradurre

"Planters are very fragile, we received all 3 dented in various area particularly the planters top."

Recensito marted́ 20 marzo 2018

Valutazione: 2/5 Tradurre

"At £74 this item is rather flimsy and my husband had to fix all four corner together as they had come apart possibly during delivery - although the packaging did seem quite secure."

Recensito luned́ 29 ottobre 2012