Recensioni Clienti

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14 recensioni
Valutazione: 3/5 Tradurre

"I am pleased with the product on the whole but am a little disappointed that the button on the side to operate the 'cuckoo' does not seem to work. Unfortunately I had already thrown away most of the packaging when this was discovered. It is currently living back in the box as I bought it as an early Christmas present so it has not yet been given. I am currently unsure as to if I should present it as a gift - any suggestions to make the button work?"

Recensito mercoledì 8 settembre 2010

Valutazione: 3/5 Tradurre

"I am pleased with the product on the whole but am a little disappointed that the button on the side to operate the 'cuckoo' does not seem to work. Unfortunately I had already thrown away most of the packaging when this was discovered. It is currently living back in the box as I bought it as an early Christmas present so it has not yet been given. I am currently unsure as to if I should present it as a gift - any suggestions to make the button work?"

Recensito mercoledì 8 settembre 2010