Recensioni Clienti

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15 recensioni
Valutazione: 1/5 Tradurre

"The mice paid no attention to them even with peanut butter."

Recensito martedì 11 febbraio 2014

Valutazione: 1/5 Tradurre

"This item is easily the worst product I have ever bought. I would only recommend using this if you have a particular passion for feeding your mice instead of killing them. The spring is not sensitive enough so the mice just eat the bait and wander off (we even saw a mouse casually eating from the trap!!). A huge waste of money and a deeply unsatisfied customer. When I spend this much on a mouse trap (and I bought six of the things!) I expect it to work. This product is so poor that I very much doubt I will buy from Primrose again. "

Recensito sabato 27 novembre 2010

Valutazione: 1/5 Tradurre

"I set them up in various placers but without success! "

Recensito giovedì 25 novembre 2010