Recensioni Clienti

Valutazione media

36 recensioni
Valutazione: 3/5 Tradurre

"The squirrel is still trying to get into my loft but actually hasn't got in. I am at present trying the squirrel repel in different positions. Hopefully if I try and place the device right at the edge of the loft space, where it meets the guttering, it will deter the squirrel. "

Recensito marted́ 6 marzo 2012

Valutazione: 3/5 Tradurre

"Doesn't appear to work for squirrels! Will try on the feral pigeons to see what results I get."

Recensito marted́ 29 novembre 2011

Valutazione: 3/5 Tradurre

"They work well initially but are not really waterproof! I have three and in the recent rain they have filled up with water and stopped working! I have had to dry them off and hope that the will work again!"

Recensito domenica 26 giugno 2011