Recensioni Clienti

Valutazione media

103 recensioni
Valutazione: 1/5 Tradurre

"Le produit est tombé en miettes quand ont l’a ouvert !!!!"

Recensito domenica 26 agosto 2018

Valutazione: 1/5 Tradurre

"one was bigger than the other twonso had to cut it down to same size of the other two..."

Recensito lunedì 14 ottobre 2013

Valutazione: 1/5 Tradurre

"The balcony screen I ordered was frankly rubbish. The first 2 metres of it was in a good shape and order, but the last 2 meters had numerous holes and has been very fragile from opening it. Even with the glass of my balcony behind it, in a wind some of it looks as though its about to snap. In summary a substandard product."

Recensito martedì 25 giugno 2013

Valutazione: 1/5 Tradurre

"Canisses mal emballées. Les colis sont arrivés déchirés et les canisses en miettes. Bois visiblement pas assez sec..."

Recensito domenica 23 settembre 2012