Recensioni Clienti

Valutazione media

262 recensioni
Valutazione: 3/5

"Per ora ho messi da circa una settimana. "

Recensito domenica 17 maggio 2015

Valutazione: 3/5 Tradurre

"Not sure at the moment if these are as effective as Silent Roar. Still have one local cat that seems to like the lemon smell!! "

Recensito giovedì 13 settembre 2012

Valutazione: 3/5 Tradurre

"It is still a little early to say if they have worked. Initial imoression is that there is less problem so we are hopeful."

Recensito venerdì 31 agosto 2012

Valutazione: 3/5 Tradurre

"very faint smell and doesnt seem to be detering the cats from spraying, we must have the only cats immune to horrible smells and sonic alarms "

Recensito martedì 21 agosto 2012

Valutazione: 3/5 Tradurre

"The product appears to be working. So far no sign of cat poo. Maybe the cats are at the Olympics...........!"

Recensito venerdì 10 agosto 2012

Valutazione: 3/5 Tradurre

"I have just put 3 in the garden to start with, not long enough for me tell.if they work. I have 3to4 regular cat visitors. "

Recensito mercoledì 22 febbraio 2012

Valutazione: 3/5 Tradurre

"Service was excellent but unfortunately the product has not succeeded in deterring the cat involved."

Recensito martedì 6 dicembre 2011

Valutazione: 3/5 Tradurre

"Thanks I did order the cat reppellent rods and have placed them in my garden as instructed, unfortunately the cat seem to have fouled just besides one of them despite placing them a little nearer to each other. The scent seem to be lingering around the clothing that i used whilst in the garden. It may be too early to comment but I just want to say how i feel."

Recensito venerdì 29 aprile 2011

Valutazione: 3/5 Tradurre

"Initially I was very pleased as there was no cat mess for 1 week in the original areas. But, unfortunately approx 2 ft away from the area where I placed 2 of the sticks car mess has appeared. I have now placed another stick in this new area. I am waiting to see if the car re-appears. "

Recensito mercoledì 10 novembre 2010

Valutazione: 3/5 Tradurre

"I saw the cat go and sit right next to the Petronella stick. But they have not done further damage to the haylage bales, so maybe it did deter them"

Recensito lunedì 25 ottobre 2010

Valutazione: 3/5 Tradurre

"Seemed to work at first but after about a week it didn't stop cats fouling my lawn. Still using it to give it longer to see if it works"

Recensito lunedì 11 ottobre 2010

Valutazione: 3/5 Tradurre

"i am not to sure on how effective the item is as i have not looked at where i have left them(between hedges to prevent cats coming through the garden)them but i am sure they are working. The speed of your service was excellent and you were very reasonably priced thankyou."

Recensito venerdì 6 agosto 2010