Recensioni Clienti

Valutazione media

1087 recensioni
Valutazione: 4/5 Tradurre

"Seems to be pretty efficient"

Recensito lunedě 15 aprile 2019

Valutazione: 5/5 Tradurre

"If you fill your front garden with cat litter then you must expect cats. However this device has moved them on."

Recensito martedě 26 febbraio 2019

Valutazione: 5/5 Tradurre

"These cat repellents really do work, I bought two as I have a large garden after two days I can honestly say I have not seen a cat in my garden, and it’s been over three weeks now"

Recensito martedě 26 febbraio 2019

Valutazione: 5/5 Tradurre

"They are doing the job! No cats!"

Recensito lunedě 25 febbraio 2019

Valutazione: 5/5 Tradurre

"Really seems to be working fir the cats but still getting a fix in the garden. But I’ve altered the frequency so things may change."

Recensito lunedě 25 febbraio 2019

Valutazione: 4/5 Tradurre

"as discribed, and seems to be working well."

Recensito sabato 23 febbraio 2019

Valutazione: 5/5 Tradurre

"Excellent results no more cat mess"

Recensito giovedě 21 febbraio 2019

Valutazione: 5/5 Tradurre

"good Service -Quick Delivery"

Recensito giovedě 21 febbraio 2019

Valutazione: 5/5 Tradurre

"Initially I was sceptical as the local feline community frequented my gardens so often it was hard to believe anything could deter them. How wrong I was, several weeks in and NO MORE CAT POO, Hooray! I moved the repellers slightly until I found positions that worked. What a difference not having to go out each day with trowel and bag lifting out poo!"

Recensito domenica 10 febbraio 2019

Valutazione: 5/5 Tradurre

"the product was ideal for my purpose and delivery was prompt and efficient"

Recensito martedě 5 febbraio 2019

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